My Review
My Rating: 5/5
Summer Knight Book Review – Spoiler Free
Summer Knight was a damn good book. It feels like this urban fantasy book series is beginning to shake off its roots and come into its own.
There is a whole cast of characters in here; some we had already met, and others were new. The newer ones were a little tricky to keep in order in my head, but that’s more my fault than Jim Butcher’s.
Murphy had her moment and I loved it
No spoilers, but I am so glad we finally saw more of what she is capable of in Summer Knight. Murphy’s character is becoming more developed than in previous books like Storm Front and Fool Moon.
Now that certain things have happened I am sure we will see even more of her being a badass.
Harry Dresden is the perfect hero
So often, he is stuck with no way out, but he never gives up. This is what makes him so loved by the fans, I think.
He cares deeply not only for the people closest to him, but for all innocents too. Yes, there are moments where (and this has happened in all 4 books so far) he is screwed and someone saves him at the last moment, but that is part of the charm of these books.
Harry Dresden is not all-powerful – he’s as flawed and screwed as the rest of us, and that’s brilliant.
The plot of Summer Knight is so good!
It’s complex and has multiple plotlines that twist and come together in such a satisfying way. I felt a huge wave of emotion when the story of Summer Knight came to a head and Harry Dresden went all out in one of the latter chapters.
I was hooked in and the pages weren’t going to let me go until I’d damn well finished the book.
Everyone who tells you that the first books are worth burning through is right
I’m aware that there are still some future books in The Dresden Files that may well fall flat, but that’s not going to stop me from reading the rest of this series.
Now that I’ve see what Jim Butcher was capable of when this book was written, I am so excited to see what the future books have to offer.
More Reviews for The Dresden Files Books

Storm Front (The Dresden Files #1)
Fool Moon (The Dresden Files #2)
Grave Peril (The Dresden Files #3)
Death Masks (The Dresden Files #5)
Blood Rites (The Dresden Files #6)
Dead Beat (The Dresden Files #7)
All Dresden Files Book Reviews