Fable by Adrienne Young - A Review - The Fantasy Review

Fable by Adrienne Young – A Review

Everyone should hopefully know exactly what I’m talking about, but for those that don’t; I am talking about the fantasy books that are literally EVERYWHERE. 

Honestly, you scroll down your feed and see several bookstagrammars in a row talking about how amazing or how meh the book was. 

Fable by Adrienne Young is one of those books that were constantly shoved in my face. 

The sequel had come out recently and so the buzz for Fable was back again. Bookstagrammars were once again talking about everything Fable. 

Is Fable worthy of all its glory and praise? Well, that’s what I’m here to tell you. 

Fable by Adrienne Young


This book was the May read for my book club, which is how I got to read it. At first, I admit I was disappointed; however, I was proved wrong.

This book is a solid 4.5 stars.

The writing style is superb! The author did a great job at grabbing people’s attention. This book contained a lot of mystery and intrigue, which is something that I absolutely love. I was continuously turning the page, always eager to find the answers to the endless questions raised. 

The world building was great! Not only was it beautifully described, but easy to follow. The life of a pirate definitely sounds more appealing having read the book. 

The characters were incredible! They were definitely the star of the show. 

I loved reading about Fable. She is one badass female and I loved how she continued to fight even though all she wanted was to crumble. Her story was just a great read. 

I love every single member of the crew. At first, I couldn’t help but think of them as a downgraded version of the crows, but I was wrong to do that. They are all fascinating in their own way and I would love to have stories on each of them. West may have to be my favourite, though, because I’m a complete sucker for broody males. 

This was my first time reading a sea-based book and I’m so glad that I was introduced to this world. This book is a must read for those of you who love action-packed fantasy with unexpected plot twists that will have you reeling. 

(Amazon links are affiliate links)

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