Our list of The Best Science Fiction Movie Franchises, Ranked.
Star Wars
A young farm boy joins a group of rebels in a galaxy far, far away to fight against an evil empire.
The Terminator

A cyborg time traveler is sent back in time to kill the mother of the future leader of the human resistance.
The Matrix

A computer programmer discovers that humanity is trapped in a simulated reality created by sentient machines.

A spaceship crew encounters a deadly extraterrestrial species that hunts them down one by one.
Back to the Future

A high school student travels through time in a DeLorean car to ensure that his parents fall in love and save his own future.
Jurassic Park

A group of scientists visits a dinosaur-themed amusement park created using cloned DNA, but when the power fails, the dinosaurs escape and run amok.
Star Trek

The crew of the USS Enterprise explores space, encounters alien civilizations, and defends the United Federation of Planets.
Planet of the Apes

A crew of astronauts crash-lands on a planet where apes are the dominant species and humans are enslaved.

A team of commandos on a mission in a Central American jungle are hunted by an alien predator.
Men in Black

A secret organization monitors and regulates alien activity on Earth to protect humanity from extraterrestrial threats.