FallenKingdomReads’ list of The 10 Best Science Fiction Movies of the 2010s.
Arrival (2016)

When mysterious spacecrafts touch down across the globe, a linguistics professor is tasked with deciphering the language of the alien visitors.
The Martian (2015)

A stranded astronaut on Mars must find a way to survive and contact Earth while NASA works on a rescue mission.
Ex Machina (2014)

A young programmer is invited to administer the Turing test on an intelligent humanoid robot created by a reclusive billionaire.
Under the Skin (2013)

An alien seductress preys on unsuspecting men in Scotland, but begins to question her mission after experiencing human emotions.
Her (2013)

In a near-future world, a lonely writer falls in love with his artificially intelligent operating system.
Annihilation (2018)

A team of scientists ventures into a mysterious and deadly zone known as “The Shimmer” to uncover its secrets and face their own inner demons.
Inception (2010)

A skilled thief is tasked with planting an idea in the mind of a corporate executive by entering and manipulating his dreams.
Prometheus (2012)

A team of scientists follows a clue to the origins of humanity and discovers a threat that could lead to the extinction of all life.
Source Code (2011)

A soldier wakes up in the body of a stranger on a train that is about to explode, and must use time-travel technology to prevent the disaster and catch the perpetrator.
Looper (2012)
In a future where time travel is possible but illegal, hired assassins called “loopers” eliminate targets sent back in time, until one looper’s latest assignment turns out to be his future self.