Here is a list of The Long Price Quartet Books in Order.
A Shadow in Summer (2006)
From the blurb:
The powerful city-state of Saraykeht is a bastion of peace and culture, a major center of commerce and trade. Its economy depends on the power of the captive spirit, Seedless, an andat bound to the poet-sorcerer Heshai for life. Enter the Galts, a juggernaut of an empire committed to laying waste to all lands with their ferocious army.…
A Betrayal in Winter (2007)

From the blurb:
As a boy, Otah Machi was exiled from his family, Machis ruling house. Decades later, he has witnessed and been part of world-changing events. Yet he has never returned to Machi. Now his father–the Khai, or ruler, of Machi–is dying and his eldest brother Biitrah has been assassinated, Otah realizes that he must return to Machi, for reasons not even he understands.…
An Autumn War (2008)

From the blurb:
Otah Machi, ruler of the city of Machi, has tried for years to prepare his people for a future in which the magical andat, entities that support their commerce and intimidate all foes, can no longer be safely harnessed. But his efforts are too little, too late..
The Price of Spring (2009)

From the blurb:
Fifteen years after a war that decimated the poet population and left both sides stricken with infertility, the emperor of the Khaiem cities tries to form an alliance with his Galtic enemies, an effort that is complicated by a hidden poet’s secret effort to train female poets.…
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