Here is a list of The Traitor Son Cycle Books Ranked, According to Goodreads.
The Dread Wyrm
Goodreads Rating: 2.37
From the blurb:
The Red Knight has stood against soldiers, against armies and against the might of an empire without flinching. He’s fought on real and on magical battlefields alike, and now he’s facing one of the greatest challenges yet.
A tournament.…
The Fall of Dragons

Goodreads Rating: 4.33
From the blurb:
e Red Knight’s final battle lies ahead . . . but there’s a whole war still to fight first.
He began with a small company, fighting the dangerous semi-mythical creatures which threatened villages, nunneries and cities. But as his power – and his forces – grew, so the power of the enemy he stood against became ever more clear. Not the power of men . . . but that of gods, with thousands of mortal allies….
A Plague of Swords

Goodreads Rating: 4.28
From the blurb:
The Red Knight withstood the full might of his enemy, and won the day. In a victory which will be remembered through the ages, he brought disparate factions together and turned them into allies against a more powerful foe than they had ever seen.
Now, he will need his allies more than ever.…
The Fell Sword

Goodreads Rating: 4.25
From the blurb:
Loyalty costs money.
Betrayal, on the other hand, is free.
When the Emperor is taken hostage, the Red Knight and his men find their services in high demand – and themselves surrounded by enemies. The country is in revolt, the capital city is besieged and any victory will be hard won. But The Red Knight has a plan.…
The Red Knight

Goodreads Rating: 4.10
From the blurb:
orget George and the Dragon. Forget Sir Lancelot and tales of Knightly exploits. This is dirty, bloody work. This is violent, visceral action. This is a mercenary knight as you’ve never seen one before. Twenty eight florins a month is a huge price to pay, for a man to stand between you and the Wild. Twenty eight florins a month is nowhere near enough when a wyvern’s jaws snap shut on your helmet in the hot stink of battle, and the beast starts to rip the head from your shoulders. But if standing and fighting is hard, leading a company of men – or worse, a company of mercenaries – against the smart, deadly creatures of the Wild is even harder.…