A List of the Main Cast in The Lord of the Rings Movies by Peter Jackson - The Fantasy Review

A List of the Main Cast in The Lord of the Rings Movies by Peter Jackson

The Fantasy Review’s List of the Main Cast in The Lord of the Rings Movies by Peter Jackson.

The Main Cast List for The Lord of the Rings Movies

A List of the Main Cast in The Lord of the Rings Movies by Peter Jackson

Frodo – Elijah Wood

Merry – Dominic Monaghan

Pippin – Billy Boyd

Sam – Sean Astin

Gandalf – Ian McKellen

Aragorn – Viggo Mortensen

Gimli – John Rhys-Davies

Legolas – Orlando Bloom

Boromir – Sean Bean

Other Notable Characters

Bilbo – Ian Holm

Rosie Cotton – Sarah McLeod

Farmer Maggot – Cameron Rhodes

Gaffer Gamgee – Norman Forsey

Arwen – Liv Tyler

Celeborn – Marton Csokas

Elrond – Hugo Weaving

Galadriel – Cate Blanchett

Gollum – Andy Serkis

Gríma Wormtongue – Brad Dourif

Saruman – Christopher Lee

Witch-king of Angmar – Brent McIntyre (The Fellowship of the Ring), and Lawrence Makoare (The Return of the King)

A List of the Main Cast in The Lord of the Rings Movies by Peter Jackson

Denethor – John Noble

Éomer – Karl Urban

Éowyn – Miranda Otto

Faramir – David Wenham

Théoden – Bernard Hill

Treebeard – John Rhys-Davies

Elendil – Peter McKenzie

Gil-galad – Mark Ferguson

Isildur – Harry Sinclair

Related to: A List of the Main Cast in The Lord of the Rings Movies by Peter Jackson

Owner and Editor of The Fantasy Review. Loves all fantasy and science fiction books, graphic novels, TV and Films. Having completed a BA and MA in English Literature and Creative writing, they would like to go on to do a PhD. Favourite authors are Trudi Canavan, Steven Erikson, George R. R. Martin and Brandon Sanderson.

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