The Fantasy Review: How Sauron Got Celebrimbor to Make the Rings of Power.
Celebrimbor, lord of Eregion, was the greatest craftsman in Middle-earth. He, along with the Noldorin-smiths of Eregion, created the Rings of Power, just as Sauron wanted. But just how did Sauron get this Elven lord to do his bidding?
Check out: A History of the Rings of Power.
Sauron’s Deception & The Forging of the Rings
After the defeat of his master Morgoth, Sauron sought to dominate Middle-earth through subtler means. He assumed a fair form, calling himself Annatar, the “Lord of Gifts,” and approached the Elves of Eregion.
Eager to create works that could preserve and enhance the beauty of Middle-earth, Celebrimbor was receptive to Annatar’s offers of knowledge.
Once he had learned enough from Annatar, Celebrimbor and the Elven-smiths forged the Rings of Power without the assistance of the disguised Sauron. These rings were intended to prevent the decay of the world and preserve the beauty of the Elven realms.

Sauron’s Betrayal
Unknown to the Elves, Sauron forged the One Ring in secret, designed to control all other Rings of Power. When Sauron put on the One Ring, Celebrimbor became aware of his true identity and intentions.
Celebrimbor hid the Three Elven Rings and prepared for war against Sauron. Even though his actions in hiding the rings were successful, he was slain in battle during the War of the Elves and Sauron and Eregion was overrun.
Celebrimbor’s lust for knowledge and Sauron’s twisted plotting lead to the creation of Three Rings for the Elves, Seven for the Dwarves, and Nine for Men. Only the Nine for Men were of any use to Sauron, as these nine Kings became twisted and evil, turning into his loyal Nazgûl.