5. His Dark Materials by Philip Pullman
The first book in this series, as I’m sure you all know, is The Golden Compass. I remembered first reading this on holiday to the middle of nowhere, and I sat in a small living room.
I can’t remember a great deal about it but I remember that I really liked it!

4. Heroes of Olympus by Rick Riordan
This is the second series set in the Percy Jackson world that Riordan created. The world of Greek Gods from the original series doubles in size as he introduces their Roman versions in an epic clash against Mother Earth.
It is exciting, full of new and hilarious characters, and is definitely a series for a reread.

3. Artemis Fowl by Eoin Colfer
It took me a while to read the first book, Artemis Fowl. I was about 14 when I finally picked it up off my shelf and straight away, I wished that I had started the series sooner!
Folklore, magic, and a genius teenager – what else could I have asked for?!

2. Percy Jackson and the Olympians by Rick Riordan
I know it’s cheating to put up two series by the same author… but it had to be done. Before reading The Lightning Thief when I was about 12, I had not read much by many other authors. I liked Trudi Canavan, J.K. Rowling, and Joseph Delaney… that was it! This series was the reason I started to read more widely and appreciate more literature that I might not have read yet.
It is also hilarious, heartbreaking, heartwarming, and wonderfully adventurous all at the same time! I don’t know how Riordan does it, but it’s just brilliant.

1. The Wardstone Chronicles by Joseph Delaney
This is the series I got into after reading Harry Potter. It was a perfect transition. This series is full of magic, dark gods, witches, bogarts, and follows those who fight them.
Every year, I would pick up the next one in the series and burn through it, and then go back and reread the entire series up to that point again, waiting for the next one to be released. I was obsessed!
Do you agree with my list? Let me know in the comments – or give me some suggestions; I am always looking for new things to try.