My Review
My Rating: 4/5
Warbreaker Book Review
As always, the last 50-100 pages in Warbreaker wouldn’t let me put it down! Brandon Sanderson had me hooked and he knew it!
This was told from the POV of a few characters so I will review Warbreaker by talking about them.
Lightsong is the God who doesn’t believe in their own religion. I thought his character was brilliant. Brandon Sanderson has a way of moving POV characters near one another without actually letting them reveal secrets to each other which I find frustrating but fantastic.
Lightsong was hilarious but also full of life and kindness. His story was the most surprising for me but I loved it all the same.
Vasher was a strange character and his sword (also being a character…) was a wonderful twist on the magic sword trope! I love it when a trope is taken and made new and fun again. Can’t say much else about this character without spoilers.
Again, with the two sisters, I can’t say much without spoilers but I’ll try! Their characters were so different. They were raised for very different roles so that is to be expected, but they were both clever and adaptable. I loved watching them move with their surroundings.
It is great to follow heroes of a story without them being over-the-top, super powerful, crazy clever characters. They were all relatable (and Sanderson definitely did this on purpose).
This book was brilliant! I’m looking forward to the second book in the series, but I know that for now it is a standalone (for a long time, probably, with all the projects Sanderson has on at the moment). So, for now, I appreciate this book as a standalone and will let it simmer in my brain.
Also, who doesn’t like a little Hoid pop-up?
To see all my reviews of Brandon Sanderson’s Cosmere books, CLICK HERE