12 Week TBR - The Fantasy Review

12 Week TBR

I don’t need to explain the title. We’re all talking about it. We’re all thinking about it. Let’s move on. (But I hope everyone is well!)

So, I spent the last two months reading non-fiction. It was great to get my teeth into those kinds of books, but I miss fantasy! I’ve read enough complete books to finish my university assignment, so it’s back to fantasy I go.

Firstly, I need to finish Oathbringer! I’ve read about 200 pages over the last couple of days, so I plan on keeping that up over the weekend, hopefully finishing it some time next week. Who else is excited for Rhythm of War?!

Next I have a list of series I need to finish, or at least read the next book in. I always do this to myself – I don’t want to get stuck reading only one series as I’m a writer, so being influenced by only one other writer/story isn’t great. Also, I like to mix it up a bit – kind of like watching two TV series at the same time.

  1. I’ve been stuck on The Fires of Heaven (The Wheel of Time #5) for a while. I wrote a couple of posts about it some time ago which I will link HERE and HERE. It’s about time I got on and finished at least that book, even if I have another long break before getting into the next one. It would be an accomplishment to be proud of to tick this one off the list!
  2. I’ve read A Wizard of Earthsea and The Tombs of Atuan (Earthsea Cycle by Ursula K Le Guin) which I really enjoyed. (Reviews linked). I’d like to finish the quartet at least, and as they are quick reads, they would be great to break up the larger books.
  3. Next is definitely Royal Assassin (Farseer Trilogy #2) by Robin Hobb which I am the most excited for. I loved the first book, but because of Oathbringer, I don’t want to start another big book. If I’m reading multiple books at a time, I want no more than two long books, the rest have to be short so I can finish them and feel like I’m getting somewhere! (Review for Assassin’s Apprentice (Farseer #1)).
  4. Angel of Storms (Millenium Rule #2) is a book I have been meaning to get to for a while! I read the first book, Thief’s Magic, a while ago, and I love Trudi Canavan’s books, so it’s a shame I haven’t gone back into this world. The final book in the quartet now has a cover and it available for preorder, so I’d like to get caught up pretty soon.

So, those are the main books I want to get around to over the next 12 weeks. Books I also have on my tbr shelf are:

  • Dune by Frank Herbert
  • Second Foundation (Foundation #3) by Isaac Asimov
  • Fire and Blood by George R.R. Martin
  • Gardens of the Moon by Steven Erikson.

That final list are books that I have either wanted to get to for a while because I’ve read the rest of the series (Foundation and A Song of Ice and Fire) or because I’ve tried the book before, didn’t get into it, but would like to give them another go (Gardens of the Moon and Dune).

What do you think of my list? Are there any books here you have read and think will be great or (hopefully not!) terrible? Or are you thinking of reading some of them too? Let me know down in the comments! At times of self-isolation, it’s always good to talk to others!

NB: I have deleted my twitter account and privatised my Instagram, so if you want to contact me for any reason, email or comment on a post for a response!

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Owner and Editor of The Fantasy Review. Loves all fantasy and science fiction books, graphic novels, TV and Films. Having completed a BA and MA in English Literature and Creative writing, they would like to go on to do a PhD. Favourite authors are Trudi Canavan, Steven Erikson, George R. R. Martin and Brandon Sanderson.

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