It’s not often I have much of a solid plan of what I’m going to read in the near future. It’s normally just a pile of books and I’ll pick one at random. However, right now I have a clear plan of what books I want to pick up over the next couple of months.

Gardens of the Moon (Malazan Book of the Fallen #1) by Steven Erikson
In a recent post, I talked about all the series I wanted to read – or try – over the next two years. Malazan was one of those series.
I’ve tried reading this one once before and it didn’t go well. I got 200 pages in and had no idea what the plot was, who the characters were, or where anything was taking place.
I’m now (at the time of writing this post) 250 pages into the book and I’m thoroughly enjoying it! I’ll write a post in the future talking about how I am reading this book and why it makes more sense this time around, but for now all I will say is that I’m being drawn into this world and the story and I’m loving every moment of it.
It’s already one of my favourite reads of the year and I’m barely 40% through it!
I’ve already ordered Deadhouse Gates (book #2) so I’ll be picked that up over the next couple of weeks as well.

The Dresden Files by Jim Butcher
Having recently finished Death Masks (Book #5 in The Dresden Files) I am excited to keep reading through the series. When reading a big series like Malazan, it’s always good to have a few easy reads when you’re feeling a little tired!
The Dresden Files is a very easy read, and the books often take me less than three days to burn through.
With two more books for this series coming out this year, I hope to be completely up to date by the end of the year, and excitedly waiting for the later entries with the rest of the Dresden fans!
Those are the two main reading projects I have on the go right now, but there are a couple other books I would like to try and get around to if I’ve got the time.
Dune by Frank Herbert is on the top of that list. With the release of some promotional images for the upcoming TV adaptation, I think they look amazing and I would like to have read the book before the show is released later this year.
2010: Odyssey Two (Space Odyssey #2) by Arthur C. Clarke is the second on this extra list. I read 2001: A Space Odyssey earlier this year and I loved it! The ending of that book set up the later entry in a fantastic way, so it would be great to dive right back into that series.
That’s my April – May TBR for 2020. I’d love to know if you’ve read any of these books or what books are on the top of your lists – so let me know down in the comments!