Unsouled by Will Wight: Book Review - The Fantasy Review

Unsouled by Will Wight: Book Review

Spoiler-Free Unsouled Book Review

This was the first progression fantasy book I have ever read, and the experience was pretty much as expected. I enjoyed this book by Will Wight, but I didn’t love it – I do think the series has the potential to make me obsessed with it though, so we will see!

Unsouled Book Review

A True Hero

Lindon is our underdog hero and he’s fantastic! The only thing I have absolutely no complaints about is this character.

He is unsouled, which, in this society means he is forbidden to learn the magic the rest of his clan is. This essentially means he is powerless…

Lindon faces many threats and always finds a clever way out of them – despite being totally underpowered. 

After reading The Dresden Files by Jim Butcher, I love this kind of book – what I mean by this is Harry Dresden in Butcher’s series begins book 1 at a low(ish) “level”, meaning he has to use his brain rather than brute force to achieve his goals and survive.

And the Other Characters?

They’re alright. I really enjoyed the family dynamics between Lindon and his sister – his mum was also a stand-out character.

Other than that, many of the people in this book were there purely to serve a purpose, a cardboard cutout. I found that I didn’t really care about this though, as the book was more a story about Lindon finally advancing in his skill level (this isn’t a spoiler as the premise of the books is “progression”).

The World

This is where I will be careful not to get into any possible spoilers – I’ll be super vague!

Unsouled is set in a very remote village surrounded by remote landscape – remote, remote, remote. The outside world is a mystery – one I am very excited to find out more about!

The things Will Wight has revealed so far about the different “levels” of progression, the larger world/universe and more sound really cool. I’m really excited to see this series become even better over the next few books.

Final Thoughts on the Unsouled Book Review

Overall, I think Unsouled is a great introduction to the world and the main character, Lindon. 

I do think the first 50% is a little slower than I would have liked, but it introduced the magic and class system, the characters, and the plot. The writing style is quick and easy, and with something happening on every page, we are pulled along and can’t put the book down.

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Owner and Editor of The Fantasy Review. Loves all fantasy and science fiction books, graphic novels, TV and Films. Having completed a BA and MA in English Literature and Creative writing, they would like to go on to do a PhD. Favourite authors are Trudi Canavan, Steven Erikson, George R. R. Martin and Brandon Sanderson.


  1. I’ve never heard of this, but it sounds right up my alley. Thanks so much for sharing your review. ✌️

  2. Great review! I hadn’t heard of this one before but it sounds great. I love the sound of Lindon’s character and I’m intrigued by the world it’s set in! Thank you so much for sharing.

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