8 Fantasy Books to Read If You Liked Circe by by Madeline Miller - The Fantasy Review

8 Fantasy Books to Read If You Liked Circe by by Madeline Miller

Here is a list of 8 Fantasy Books to Read If You Liked Circe by by Madeline Miller.

Ithaca (The Songs of Penelope #1) Claire North

Fantasy Books to Read If You Liked Circe

From the blurb:

‘The greatest power we women can own is that which we take in secret.’

Seventeen years ago, King Odysseus sailed to war with Troy, taking with him every man of fighting age from the isle of Ithaca. None of them has returned, and the women of Ithaca have been left behind to run the kingdom.

Ariadne by Jennifer Saint

Fantasy Books to Read If You Liked Circe

From the blurb:

Ariadne, Princess of Crete and daughter of the fearsome King Minos, grows up hearing stories of gods and heroes. But beneath the golden palace something else stirs, the hoofbeats and bellows echoing from the Labyrinth below. Every year its captive, the Minotaur – Ariadne’s brother – demands blood.

Clytemnestra by Costanza Casati

Fantasy Books to Read If You Liked Circe

From the blurb:

Mother. Monarch. Murderer. Magnificent.

You are born to a king, but marry a tyrant. You stand helplessly as he sacrifices your child to placate the gods. You watch him wage war on a foreign shore and comfort yourself with violent thoughts of your own.

A Thousand Ships by Natalie Haynes

From the blurb:

This was never the story of one woman, or two. It was the story of them all . . .

In the middle of the night, a woman wakes to find her beloved city engulfed in flames. Ten seemingly endless years of conflict between the Greeks and the Trojans are over. Troy has fallen.

Psyche and Eros by Luna McNamara

From the blurb:

Born into an era of heroes, a prophecy claims that Psyche – Princess of Mycenae – will defeat a monster feared even by the gods themselves. Rebelling against society’s traditions, she spends her youth mastering blade and bow, preparing to fulfil her destiny.

The Silence of the Girls (Women of Troy, #1) by Pat Barker

From the blurb:

There was a woman at the heart of the Trojan War whose voice has been silent – until now. Discover the greatest Greek myth of all – retold by the witness that history forgot . . .

The Shadow of Perseus by Claire Heywood

From the blurb:

His mother

Banished from her homeland thanks to a prophecy foretelling that her unborn child will one day cause the death of her father, Danae finds herself stranded, pregnant, and alone. Forging a new life for herself and for her young son Perseus will be the hardest thing she’s ever done.

Pandora by Susan Stokes-Chapman

Fantasy Books to Read If You Liked Circe

From the blurb:

London, 1799. Dora Blake lives with her uncle in what used to be her parents’ famed shop of antiquities.

When a mysterious Greek vase is delivered, Dora is intrigued by her uncle’s suspicious behaviour and enlists the help of Edward Lawrence, a young antiquarian scholar….

Related to: 8 Fantasy Books to Read If You Liked Circe

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