An Epic Fantasy Book Giveaway You Won’t Want to Miss! - The Fantasy Review

An Epic Fantasy Book Giveaway You Won’t Want to Miss!

We are very happy to share an awesome epic fantasy book Giveaway that you won’t want to miss!

Giveaway Details

The Giveaway opens on Tuesday 12th September and runs until the 25th September, so plenty of time to get your name in for the chance to win a fantasy book!

Epic Fantasy Book Giveaway

Nine authors, nine paperbacks, ALL FREE!

Join this giveaway and get your hands on one of these gorgeous dark, epic fantasy reads.

From immortal assassins to wielders of light magic, fallen princes to powerful anti-heroes, you’re in for a wild ride! The books you could win include:

  • Assassin by Andy Peloquin
  • Voice of War by Zack Argyle
  • A Touch of Light by Thiago Abdalla
  • The Price of Power by Michael Michel
  • No Heart for a Thief by James Lloyd Dulin
  • Along the Razor’s Edge by Rob J. Hayes
  • We Men of Ash and Shadow by HL Tinsley
  • Legacy of the Brightwash by Krystle Matar
  • A King’s Radiance by L.R. Schulz

(US/UK/CA/EU/AU/NZ entrants only)

Note: By signing up for this giveaway, you are agreeing to subscribe to the authors’ mailing lists. But if you don’t want to stay around, you can always unsubscribe after the giveaway ends.

Related to: An Epic Fantasy Book Giveaway You Won’t Want to Miss!

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