Lord of the Rings: A Brief History of Celebrimbor - The Fantasy Review

Lord of the Rings: A Brief History of Celebrimbor

The Fantasy Review’s brief history of Celebrimbor.

Celebrimbor, the master smith of Eregion, was the last surviving member of the House of Fëanor until his death, when the line ended.

His impact on Middle-earth truly begins in the Second Age, sending tidal waves through the Third Age too, but his story begins in the Years of the Trees.

Lord of the Rings: A Brief History of Celebrimbor

Celebrimbor in the First Age

Born in Aman during the Years of the Trees (around 1495), Celebrimbor’s father was Curufin, making his grandfather Fëanor. Celebrimbor had 6 brothers and they all (including Curufin) followed Fëanor into exile in Middle-earth, but his mother stayed behind.

These times in Middle-earth were dark and brutal. Celebrimbor fought alongside his kin in the battles of Dagor-nuin-Giliath and Dagor Aglareb before settling in Nargothrond with uncle.

He was there to fight in the Sack of Nargothrond, and managed to escape to Gondolin. He then had to fight during the Fall of Gondolin, and once again, he survived and escaped.

Celebrimbor’s final challenge during the First Age was fighting in the War of Wrath. After the expulsion of Morgoth from Arda, and Beleriand sank into the ocean, Celebrimbor decided to stay in Middle-earth. He joined Celeborn and Galadriel in the year 750 of the Second Age as they established the realm of Eregion.

The Forging of the Rings of Power

Celebrimbor established himself as the Lord of Eregion during the Second Age, and worked as the master smith with the Gwaith-i-Mírdain (the Elven-smiths of Eregion). Their work was second only to Fëanor, Celebrimbor’s grandfather, which would be Sauron’s way in.

In the year 1200 of the Second Age, Sauron came to Eregion (after being rejected and mistrusted by Gil-galad and Círdan in Lindon) disguised as Annatar, the Lord of Gifts. 

Celebrimbor, with his desire to be the greatest Elven Smith of all time, besting his grandfather, welcomed Annatar into Eregion (despite some initial distrust) and they started working together. Sauron slowly manipulated and twisted Celebrimbor’s mind.

Galadriel and Celeborn lost their power in Eregion, so Galadriel and her daughter, Celebrían, left for Lórien, but Celeborn remained and was ignored by Celebrimbor and Annatar/Sauron.

The Gwaith-i-Mírdain, under the direct supervision of Annatar, crafted sixteen Rings of Power. Celebrimbor, learning this craft from Annatar, made the three Elven Rings in secret. And later, Sauron also made a Ring in secret, known as the One Ring, designed to control all the lesser rings. 

The Sack of Eregion and Death of Celebrimbor

When Sauron attempted to use the One Ring to control all the others, the Elves who wore the three Elven Rings realised Sauron’s plan and took the rings off. Defied and angry, Sauron demanded the Elves return all the Rings of Power they had created.

The Elves refused, sending seven Rings to the Dwarven Lords without Sauron’s knowledge. In retaliation, Sauron marched from Mordor to Eregion and defeated the defenders. He then tortured Celebrimbor for the whereabouts of the remaining Rings, but he gave the Dark Lord nothing.

Celebrimbor died of his wounds and Sauron strung the corpse up on a banner he then took when marching on the Grey Havens.

Related to: A Brief History of Celebrimbor

Owner and Editor of The Fantasy Review. Loves all fantasy and science fiction books, graphic novels, TV and Films. Having completed a BA and MA in English Literature and Creative writing, they would like to go on to do a PhD. Favourite authors are Trudi Canavan, Steven Erikson, George R. R. Martin and Brandon Sanderson.

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