The Spook's Curse by Joseph Delaney: Book Review - The Fantasy Review

The Spook’s Curse by Joseph Delaney: Book Review

My Review

My Rating: 5/5


Much like The Spook’s Apprentice, The Spook’s Curse continues to introduce us to The County and the threats from the Dark that continue to plague it. Things get a little more out of hand, however, as Joseph Delaney introduces us to boggarts and there is an old, angry God plaguing Priestown in this fantasy book.

Thomas is such a good character. He’s constantly afraid, of course, but he’s braver than he is scared. And he’s smart. A surprising amount happens in The Spook’s Curse, considering the size, and it’s all brilliant.

The Quisitor is out and about, ready to burn any witches or spooks he finds. The Bane is beginning to grow in power, and his grip on the people of Priestown is a threat Thomas has to overcome. And before all of that, Thomas and the Spook have to deal with a boggart who is only getting bigger, stronger, and meaner.

The plot in The Spook’s Curse is fast-paced and not a page is wasted. Even though there is a lot of adventure and fighting the Dark, Delaney makes room for important character development.

Thomas’ Mam is a fantastic character, and her relationship with her son is wonderful. Alice is complex as she is a witch but doesn’t want to belong to the Dark – she is Thomas’ friend, but there is a lot of trust she has to build up before John Gregory will give her the time of day.

The Spook’s Curse is another wonderful fantasy book, and there are more hints at how the Dark is growing in power over The County.

The Wardstone Chronicles Book Reviews

The Spook’s Apprentice (The Wardstone Chronicles #1)

The Spook’s Secret (The Wardstone Chronicles #3)

The Spook’s Battle (The Wardstone Chronicles #4)

The Spook’s Stories: Grimalkin’s Tale (The Wardstone Chronicles #4.5)

The Spook’s Mistake (The Wardstone Chronicles #5)

The Spook’s Sacrifice (The Wardstone Chronicles #6)

Latest Fantasy Book Reviews

Owner and Editor of The Fantasy Review. Loves all fantasy and science fiction books, graphic novels, TV and Films. Having completed a BA and MA in English Literature and Creative writing, they would like to go on to do a PhD. Favourite authors are Trudi Canavan, Steven Erikson, George R. R. Martin and Brandon Sanderson.

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