Fantasy Series I Need to Finish (Part 1) - The Fantasy Review

Fantasy Series I Need to Finish (Part 1)

As most readers know, there are so many books but so little time! I have started many fantastic fantasy series I need to finish so I have created a list to remind me of them all. Let me know in the comments if you have read any of them, are thinking of reading them, or if you have any suggestions of even more fantasy series I should start!

Malazan Book of the Fallen by Steven Erikson

fantasy series I need to finish

The first on this list is the epic fantasy series Malazan Book of the Fallen by Steven Erikson. I am currently on book 4, House of Chains and have been loving the books so far. I stopped reading initially as I tried reading House of Chains on audiobook and got lost so I need to go back to the beginning!

I am currently hosting a Malazan Read-Along on my Discord server, starting from book 1, Gardens of the Moon. I’m loving reading the first book again (for the third time) and can’t wait to get back to book 4 and continue reading the series. 

My reviews for the books I have read so far are:

I also have some other Malazan posts you might be interested in:

The Faithful and the Fallen by John Gwynne

fantasy series I need to finish

I am currently 10% into Valour, book 2 in The Faithful and the Fallen series by John Gwynne and I am loving it already! I don’t have much to say about the series yet – only that I am enjoying it so far and look forward to the journey through the books. A review for Malice, book 1 in the series, will be coming soon!

We have several posts about this series on the site already (written by other contributors). When editing them for the site I realised I had to read this series! The posts are:

The Farseer Trilogy by Robin Hobb

Last year I read Assassin’s Apprentice by Robin Hobb, book 1 in the Farseer Trilogy and absolutely loved it! Fitz is put through a lot and it breaks my heart every time he gets out of a scrape only to get into another, but the book was amazing. 

If you read my review for Assassin’s Apprentice you can find more detailed opinions on it. I want to finish this trilogy as I have heard not only a lot of good things about the trilogy as a whole but also about other series in The Realm of the Elderlings. For example, the Liveship Traders series is supposed to be very good!

The Wheel of Time by Robert Jordan

I have written before about Why I Stopped Reading The Wheel of Time by Robert Jordan, but I think it’s almost time to get back to it. I stopped part-way through book 5 and would love to dive back into the world. 

I miss it! Jordan’s writing is beautiful and the characters are fantastic. I think I was struggling a little with the pacing, but I can give it another go! My previous reviews for these books include:

A Land Fit for Heroes by Richard Morgan 

I mentioned this in my first Booktube video as a series I need to get back to. I got 46% into the first book, The Steel Remains and stopped. I struggled to feel any connection to most of the characters and the plot felt a little all over the place.

I will have another go though – it’s only been a few weeks since I put it down so I can pick up from where I left it. I have heard good things and I’ve given books a second chance before and been really surprised by how much I loved them – just look at how much I love Gardens of the Moon!

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Owner and Editor of The Fantasy Review. Loves all fantasy and science fiction books, graphic novels, TV and Films. Having completed a BA and MA in English Literature and Creative writing, they would like to go on to do a PhD. Favourite authors are Trudi Canavan, Steven Erikson, George R. R. Martin and Brandon Sanderson.

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