Let me introduce my interview with Andrew’s Wizardly Reads, a Youtube content creator who reviews fantasy and science fiction books, including a lot of indie recommendations!

The Interview
I have been watching your videos for a while now and love getting recommendations from you – now I know how my TBR pile has gotten so big! How did you get into reviewing books online, and why?
Honestly I’m not really sure. It was a daisy chain of events that led me here. I was reading Drew Hayes and wanted more. I was introduced to booktube through Daniel Greene and made my way to Mikes Book Reviews, Slowly Red, and then Nikos Book Reviews. Niko became my best-friend and he STRONGLY encouraged me to start a channel. So here I am.
How have you found being a part of the book community, talking with authors/reviewers etc?
I have really enjoyed it!!! I love chatting with authors. I try to do an interview every month usually if i can fit it into my busy schedule but it’s not always possible. In terms of other reviewers they have become family to me in a sense. I spend more time chatting with my booktube friends than I do any others.
What makes you pick up a book? Is it the cover art, the author, premise…?
There are many things that can make me pick one. An AWESOME cover is a great attention getter. From there it’s down to whether the premise appeals to me. If it does then I add it to the old TBR.
When did you start reading? And what books/series did you read over and over again?
I started reading young. Once I started I never really stopped. I think the one series that I have read time and time again is Wheel of Time. It holds a place of honor in my top 10.
What are your favourite books/authors?
Recent Reads I have a few great ones!!! Stormwarden by Janny Wurts great classic fantasy vibe with beautiful prose. Queen of Bedlam by Robert McCammon. I have been really getting into historical fiction lately. The Kallattian Cycle is an UNDISCOVERED gem not enough people are talking about. By Andrew D Meredith. Same with Hybrid Helix by JCM Berne. Ill also throw in Trudie Skies The Cruel Gods and ML Spencer Dragon Mage. My 2021 and 2022 books of the year!
All time books are hard one. Eye of the world by Robert Jordan has to be on the list for sure. Can I list the Tawny Man trilogy by Robin Hobb because it is amazing. As a whole Memory, Sorry, and Thorn by Tad Williams is really good. I will always love Faithful and the Fallen by John Gwynne and Sun Eater by Christopher Ruocchio.Why not also say the Cradle series by Will Wight.
You have read and reviewed quite a few Indie books. How have you found the quality of those books and how important do you think it is to highlight these writers?
I love Self Pub! The stories that I have discovered have been some of my absolute favorites. The quality can vary with typos being more prevalent but it’s an easily fixable issue because the author has full control. I do think it’s important to promote self-pub authors. They don’t have the backing of a publishing house to let people know about these AMAZINg stories. If I can use my platform to bring eyes to a story that brings me enjoyment. I am more than happy to do so!!!
What do you like to do outside of reading and creating content online?
I used to be big into video games but that has fallen off since having kids! I am starting to dabble back into them but I am not as voracious as I used to be about it. I live for my kids so that takes up the majority of my free time. I do have a passion for automatic wristwatches though lol. I find them really cool.
Who are your go-to content creators?
I love the Mad Watch Collector on youtube. I love wristwatch revival as well. I enjoy How to renovate a chateau without killing your partner is another great one on youtube. Tasting History with Max Miller is also great. I have tried a few recipes myself from this channel.
On booktube It’s such a long list Petrik Leo, Niko’s Book Reviews, Mikes Book Reviews, The Nerdy Narrative, Library of Allenxandria, Philip Chase, Sarah Reads, Kay’s Hidden Shelf, Tori Talks, and The Real Bookaholic are some of my favorites.
What advice would you give someone who wanted to start a BookTube/Bookstagram/Book Review website?
Depends on what you want out of Booktube honestly if you want to do it semi professionally. Then find a schedule that works for you. Upload regularly! Launch your channel with 3-5 videos all at once. Get comfortable in front of the camera, sort out lighting, editing software and everything that goes into that, Do shorts, and most importantly get involved in the community. All that aside though if you are just internet in fun and being a part of the community then just go for it and let the channel evolve as you go. That’s what I did. There is a definite evolution on my channel. My first videos make me cringe. Don’t be afraid to ask questions and just have fun with it.
If you could be any fantasy character, who would you be and why?
Wei Shi Lindon from Cradle because why not.