FallenKingdomReads’ list of 4 Best Science Fiction Movies for People Who Hate Science Fiction Movies.
For those who usually avoid science fiction films but still want to dip their toes into the genre, here are four of the best sci-fi movies that may just change their minds.
Arrival (2016)

When mysterious spacecraft touch down across the globe, an elite team, led by linguist Louise Banks, is brought together to investigate. As mankind teeters on the verge of global war, Banks and the team race against time for answers – and to find them, she will take a chance that could threaten her life and quite possibly humanity.
Inception (2010)

In a world where technology exists to enter people’s dreams, a skilled thief is given the ultimate challenge: to implant an idea into the mind of a CEO through his dreams.
Her (2013)

In a near-future Los Angeles, a lonely writer develops an unlikely relationship with an operating system designed to meet his every need. As their bond deepens, he starts to question what it really means to be in love.
Ex Machina (2014)
A young programmer is selected to participate in a breakthrough experiment in artificial intelligence by evaluating the human qualities of a breathtaking female A.I.