Here is my list of The 5 Best Characters in the Harry Potter Books.
Sirius Black

Sirius Black was one of my favourite characters when I was reading the books a lot as a kid. He’s the closest thing that Harry has to family, which makes him feel like family to the reader.
Tonks is a lot of fun, but she’s also a wonderful character in the Harry Potter books. Her relationship with Lupin and role as kind of a cool aunt to Hermione and Ginny make her very loveable.

There’s a lot of negative things you can say about Dumbledore, as he essentially used children to fight his battles, but he also did all of that to protect the world from great evil… and his plan worked! So, it’s a little more complicated than that. I’ve put him in the top 5 because he’s the mind behind the downfall of Voldemort, and he was an inspiring role model to so many of the characters.

With a bit of a tragic backstory, Hagrid is the big friendly giant (half giant) who anyone with a good heart loves. He’s arguably the most loyal and brave character of the lot, even if he does do the odd questionable thing…
Luna Lovegood
And finally, the most interesting and complex student character, Luna Lovegood. She’s introduced as a bit of a joke character, but you soon see she has a lot of depth. Towards the end of the series, you see her willing to sacrifice everything for her friends, and that’s what makes a great character we can all root for.