Here is a list of The Malazan Book of the Fallen Books Ranked, According to Goodreads.
The Crippled God
Goodreads Rating: 4.50
From the blurb:
The Bonehunters are marching to Kolanse, and to an unknown fate. They are exhausted – an army on the brink of mutiny. But their commander will not relent. If she can hold her forces and their fragile alliances together, Adjunct Tavore Paran means to challenge the gods…
The Bonehunters

Goodreads Rating: 4.48
From the blurb:
The Seven Cities Rebellion is over, Sha’ik is dead, but a last rebel force remains, holed up in the city of Y’Ghatan under the fanatical command of Leoman of the Flails. The prospect of laying siege to this ancient fortress makes the battle-weary Malaz 14th Army uneasy – for it was here that the Empire’s greatest champion Dassem Ultor was slain and a tide of Malazan blood spilled…
Memories of Ice

Goodreads Rating: 4.45
From the blurb:
The ravaged continent of Genabackis has given birth to a terrifying new empire: the Pannion Domin. Like a fanatical tide of corrupted blood, it seethes across the land, devouring all who fail to heed the Word of its elusive prophet, the Pannion Seer.…
Midnight Tides

Goodreads Rating: 4.41
From the blurb:
After decades of warfare, the tribes of the Tiste Edur have at last united under the rule of the Warlock King. But peace has been exacted at a terrible price – a pact made with a hidden power whose motives are at best suspect, at worst deadly.…
Reaper’s Gale

Goodreads Rating: 4.39
From the blurb:
All is not well in the Letherii Empire. Rhulad Sengar, the Emperor of a Thousand Deaths, spirals into madness, surrounded by sycophants and agents of his Machiavellian chancellor. Meanwhile, the Letherii secret police conduct a campaign of terror against their own people.…
Toll the Hounds

Goodreads Rating: 4.36
From the blurb:
In Darujhistan, the city of blue fire, it is said that love and death shall arrive dancing. It is summer and the heat is oppressive, but for the small round man in the faded red waistcoat, discomfiture is not just because of the sun. All is not well.…
House of Chains

Goodreads Rating: 4.34
From the blurb:
In Northern Genabackis, just before the events recounted in GARDENS OF THE MOON, a raiding party of savage tribal warriors descends from the mountains into the southern flat lands. Their intention is to wreak havoc among the despised lowlanders, but for the one named Karsa Orlong it marks the beginning of what will prove an extraordinary destiny.…
Dust of Dreams

Goodreads Rating: 4.30
From the blurb:
On the Letherii continent the exiled Malazan army commanded by Adjunct Tavore begins its march into the eastern Wastelands, to fight for an unknown cause against an enemy it has never seen.…
Deadhouse Gates

Goodreads Rating: 4.26
From the blurb:
Weakened by events in Darujhistan, the Malazan Empire teeters on the brink of anarchy. In the vast dominion of Seven Cities, in the Holy Desert Raraku, the seer Sha’ik gathers an army around her in preparation for the long-prophesied uprising named the Whirlwind.…
Gardens of the Moon

Goodreads Rating: 3.92
From the blurb:
Bled dry by interminable warfare, infighting and bloody confrontations with Lord Anomander Rake and his Tiste Andii, the vast, sprawling Malazan empire simmers with discontent.
Even its imperial legions yearn for some respite. For Sergeant Whiskeyjack and his Bridgeburners and for Tattersail, sole surviving sorceress of the Second Legion, the aftermath of the siege of Pale should have been a time to mourn the dead.…