This Adult Fantasy Trilogy Has an Awesome Magic System - The Fantasy Review

This Adult Fantasy Trilogy Has an Awesome Magic System

I have read a lot of books, but this adult fantasy trilogy has an awesome magic system and I think you should check it out!

Trudi Canavan’s The Black Magician trilogy (plus a prequel novel) has a very simple, slightly “soft” magic system, but the way it is conveyed packs a big punch. If you are looking for something like Allomancy from the Mistborn series by Brandon Sanderson, you might be disappointed, but I promise you that this is very cool!

This Adult Fantasy Trilogy Has an Awesome Magic System

Now, I need to be careful about spoilers, as much of this magic system remains a mystery for a good portion of the books. There is the magic that is legal and commonplace in the Magician’s Guild, used by healers and warriors alike, but there is also a secret, forbidden magic labelled “black magic” which is the element of the magic system that is exciting!

The events of The Magician’s Apprentice, which is the prequel novel (and should definitely be read after reading the main trilogy) show this magic being used regularly, which is such an amazing payoff to the mystery shrouding it in the main series. 

How do I sell you this magic system without actually telling you about it? It’s hard, but what I will say is that the magic involves broken skin, blood, and telepathy. Oh, and a user of this magic can kill someone if they’re having intercourse… terrifying, but a cool twist!

Alright, I have said enough. I cannot recommend The Black Magician trilogy highly enough to all adult fantasy fans who want to see a cool magic system. Start with book one in the series, The Magician’s Guild, then the order is: The Novice (book two), The High Lord (book three), and finally, The Magician’s Apprentice (prequel novel). Enjoy!

Related to: This Adult Fantasy Trilogy Has an Awesome Magic System

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Owner and Editor of The Fantasy Review. Loves all fantasy and science fiction books, graphic novels, TV and Films. Having completed a BA and MA in English Literature and Creative writing, they would like to go on to do a PhD. Favourite authors are Trudi Canavan, Steven Erikson, George R. R. Martin and Brandon Sanderson.

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