The Fantasy Review’s brief history of Elrond.
Elrond, known as Elrond Half-elven, is an important character in J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings and Legendarium. As the Lord of Rivendell and a key figure in the struggle against Sauron, his story intertwines with the fate of Middle-earth.
Elrond’s Birth and Early Life
Elrond was born during the First Age to Eärendil and Elwing, both of whom were half-elves. He also had a twin brother called Elros. After a brutal attack on Arvernien, Elrond and Elros were captured but spared by the sons of Fëanor, who sought to recover the Silmaril.
Elrond befriended Maglor and rumor suggests he fought in the Great Battle. Following the War of Wrath, the Valar allowed Elrond and Elros to choose their fate. They were to choose whether to follow the path of men or of elves.
Elros chose the path of men, becoming the first king of Númenor. Elrond, however, chose the path of the elves. He was made an Eldarin lord of great power.

The Founding of Rivendell
Elrond settled in Lindon with Gil-galad until SA 1695, when he was sent to Eregion to defend the realm from Sauron. Eregion was overrun in 1697 and Elrond escaped with the surviving Noldor and founded Imladris, also known as Rivendell.
Known for its beauty and tranquility, Rivendell was a sanctuary. It soon became a haven for elves and a stronghold against Sauron after the passing of Gil-galad during the war of the Last Alliance.
In TA 100, Elrond married Celebrian (Galadriel’s daughter), and had three children: Elladan, Elrohir, and Arwen.
Elrond gave counsel, aid, and sanctuary to the Dúnedain of the North, including to the Line of Isildur. One of these descendants of Isildur was Aragorn, who would go on to fall in love with, and eventually marry, Arwen.
The War of the Ring & The End of the Third Age
Elrond held the greatest of the three Elven Rings of Power, Vilya, which helped him maintain the security of Rivendell. It was gifted to him by Gil-galad.
He played a significant role in the wars against Sauron, leading the Last Alliance of Elves and Men in the Second Age and establishing the White Council in the Third Age.

During the War of the Ring, Rivendell was the meeting place of the Council of Elrond, where the decision was made to destroy the One Ring. Elrond gave shelter and aid to Frodo, before seeing him leave for his quest to destroy the One Ring.
After the War of the Ring and at the end of the Third Age, Elrond sailed with the Last Riding of the Keepers of the Rings to the Undying Lands. He left Arwen behind, as she became Queen of Gondor alongside the newly instated King of Gondor, Aragorn.