I mentioned David Eddings in my recent post What to Read if You liked ‘Eragon’ so I thought it would be a good idea to show you all the David Eddings books in order, so you know where to begin!
These books are classics of the fantasy genre – proper 80’s fantasy books! For this list, I will be focusing on the Belgariad Universe series, which includes, The Belgariad and The Malloreon, however there are a few extras at the end too.
(Numbering relates to the publication order)
The Belgariad Series

This is the series most people start with. It has a very classic feel and strongly influenced by Tolkien’s work, so if you like all that stuff, this is where to begin!
#1 Pawn of Prophecy (1982)
#2 Queen of Sourcery (1982)
#3 Magician’s Gambit (1983)
#4 Castle of Wizardry (1984)
#5 Enchanters’ End Game (1984)
The Malloreon Series
Next in this list of all the David Eddings books in order, we have The Malloreon series. Written very soon after The Belgariad, these books have the same cast of characters in the same world, after the events of Enchanters’ End Game.
#6 Guardians of the West (1985)
#7 King of the Murgos (1988)
#8 Demon Lord of Karanda (1988)
#9 Sourceress of Darshiva (1989)
#10 The Seeress of Kell (1991)
Belgariad Prequels
After the first 10 books in the Belgariad Universe, you can read the prequels. These might be prequels, but they should not be read first because they contain major spoilers for the main series.
#11 Belgarath the Sourcerer (1995)
#12 Polgara the Sorceress (1997)
More Series by David Eddings
The Sparkawn Universe
These books are unrelated to the Belgariad Universe and include 6 books:
First, there is the Elenium trilogy which consists of: The Diamond Throne (1989), The Ruby Knight (1990) and then The Sapphire Rose (1991).
Then, it’s the Tamuli sequel trilogy: Domes of Fire (1992), The Shining Ones (1993), and finally The Hidden City (1994).
The Dreamers Series by David and Leigh Eddings
The final series on this list of all the David Eddings books in order, we have The Dreamers, written by David and Leigh Eddings.
The books in order are:The Elder Gods (2003), The Treasured One (2005), Crystal Gorge (2005), and The Younger Gods (2006).
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