Magical History Fans Should Check out this New Release 'Art of the Grimoire' by the British Historian Owen Davies - The Fantasy Review

Magical History Fans Should Check out this New Release ‘Art of the Grimoire’ by the British Historian Owen Davies

Magical History Fans Should Check out this New Release ‘Art of the Grimoire’ by the British Historian Owen Davies.

I received a review copy of Art of the Grimoire from the publisher. All opinions are my own. 

This book is out today, October 10, 2023!

When this book came through the post I was very excited! It is a little different to some of the books I tend to review on The Fantasy Review, but I think there are is an audience here for an awesome book about magical history.

Magical History Fans Should Check out this New Release 'Art of the Grimoire' by the British Historian Owen Davies

I have spent the last week reading Art of the Grimoire every morning, a few chapters with a mug of coffee. It has been the perfect read for these darker mornings, with spooky season coming up, looking at magic from different cultures across the world. 

This book is very well researched, with all the information conveyed in an accessible way. So, you don’t need a history degree to enjoy this book! 

Having a read a lot of fantasy books, many with some kind of witches, warlocks, sorcerers, etc, it was fascinating reading about where these ideas came from. Additionally, the pages are filled with images of old texts and scrolls that you can spend ages pouring over.

I think Art of the Grimoire is a perfect coffee table book, that you can pick up and read a few pages of now and again. If you’ve got friends or family with a birthday coming up, or just want something for yourself this halloween, definitely give this a look.

Related to: Magical History Fans Should Check out this New Release ‘Art of the Grimoire’ by the British Historian Owen Davies

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Owner and Editor of The Fantasy Review. Loves all fantasy and science fiction books, graphic novels, TV and Films. Having completed a BA and MA in English Literature and Creative writing, they would like to go on to do a PhD. Favourite authors are Trudi Canavan, Steven Erikson, George R. R. Martin and Brandon Sanderson.

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