7 Fantasy Book Series I Want to Continue/Complete in 2024 - The Fantasy Review

7 Fantasy Book Series I Want to Continue/Complete in 2024

Here is a list of the 7 fantasy book series I want to continue or complete in 2024, which is a companion to my other list of 13 Fantasy Book Series I Want to Start in 2024.

#1 – The Broken Empire by Mark Lawrence

fantasy book series I want to continue or complete in 2024

I read Prince of Thorns, book one in The Broken Empire trilogy in February and loved it! This is a dark, gritty novel, but quick to read and I will be reading the next two books, King of Thorns and Emperor of Thorns in March, completing the trilogy.

There are so many other books I want to read this year, so the Red Queen’s War trilogy (also set in this world) and Lawrence’s other books will have to wait until 2025, but I will be hopefully reading much more from this author in the coming years!

#2 – The Riyria Revelations by Michael J. Sullivan

fantasy book series I want to continue or complete in 2024

The Riyria Revelations by Michael J. Sullivan is another series I started in February and will hopefully be completing in March. I have read Theft of Swords and Rise of Empire, so only one more volume remaining, Heir of Novron (compiles books 5 and 6, Wintertide and Percepliquis).

Theft of Swords was a fun, light-hearted adventure with low stakes, but Rise of Empire raised those stakes and started an epic adventure I cannot wait to complete in the coming weeks!

#3 – The Unorthodox Chronicles by James J. Butcher

fantasy book series I want to continue or complete in 2024

I loved Dead Man’s Hand, book one in The Unorthodox Chronicles by James J. Butcher, and I recommend it every time I can, often above The Dresden Files as this first book is better than Storm Front.

I am slowly reading the physical copy of Long Past Dues (book two), making the most of it before the release of book three, Cold Iron Task, in October.

#4 – Malazan Book of the Fallen by Steven Erikson

Malazan Book of the Fallen by Steven Erikson is a series I have been enjoying, but haven’t gotten too far with yet! I have now read Gardens of the Moon (three times), Deadhouse Gates (twice), and Memories of Ice (once).

After I reread Memories of Ice in March or April, I will be continuing with book four, House of Chains, which I have read 60% of before, but I’ve forgotten everything! I love these books and have to stop myself rereading Gardens of the Moon all the time because it’s amazing and genuinely like a comfort read at this point!

#5 – The Faithful and the Fallen by John Gwynne

I read Malice, book one in The Faithful and the Fallen epic fantasy series by John Gwynne, almost two years ago now and have forgotten everything, except that I really enjoyed it! Needless to say, Malice needs a reread, then I will be completing the quartet at some point, but these four books will probably run over into 2025.

#6 – The Farseer Trilogy by Robin Hobb

Another book I need to reread is Assassin’s Apprentice by Robin Hobb. The prose in that book, in my opinion, has no equal in modern fantasy. I loved Assassin’s Apprentice, although I felt like I went in expecting a grand narrative, when in fact it is more of a character study, so I decided to come back to the series when I was in the mood for that… It’s been at least two years!

Again, The Farseer Trilogy and the rest of The Realm of the Elderlings will be down for 2025 and beyond, but hopefully I can finish at least books one and two in Farseer before the year is out.

#7 – Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas

fantasy book series I want to continue or complete in 2024

Finally, and perhaps surprisingly, I plan to continue and complete Throne of Glass in 2024. I enjoyed the first book last year, and was completely surprised. Please read my review for my full thoughts.

In general I think I expected a smutty romance book forced into the fantasy genre, but instead it was a cool fantasy story in an awesome location, with barely the hints of a romance (which I’m sure will become a more prominent thing in later books, but if the world, plot, and characters are still great, give me some good romance too!).

Fantasy Book Series I Want to Continue But are Not a Priority in 2024

I have also started or read several books in a few other fantasy series, which I do intend on coming back to, but not for a little while. These include:

Related to: 7 Fantasy Book Series I Want to Continue/Complete in 2024

Owner and Editor of The Fantasy Review. Loves all fantasy and science fiction books, graphic novels, TV and Films. Having completed a BA and MA in English Literature and Creative writing, they would like to go on to do a PhD. Favourite authors are Trudi Canavan, Steven Erikson, George R. R. Martin and Brandon Sanderson.


  1. I love that you want to continue the Throne of Glass series! It’s one of my personal favourites. I hope you enjoy it! 😊

  2. Joe Abercrombie, start with the First Law series. For something newer and less known, Fonda Lee Jade series is wonderful. Brian McClellan, Powder Mage series is top notch.

  3. Always good to hear a series I’m going to finish is someone’s favourite! I hope I love it too 🙂

  4. I completely forgot to add this to this list! I have read The Blade Itself and really enjoyed it, but there are lots of other things I want to read before finishing the first trilogy, so that’ll probably be picked up again in 2025 for me. I have tried Jade City and struggled to get into it – I can tell it’s written well, but Godfather-type stuff isn’t really my thing. I’ll try again in the future though. Powder Mage is definitely being read in 2025 – it’s scheduled in early January, but I might pull it even earlier if I let myself mess up the schedule!

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