My Review
My Rating: 5/5
A Dance With Dragons Book Review – Spoiler Free
As always, the characters are one of the best things about George R. R. Martin‘s epic fantasy books, with the world coming in at a close second.
In A Dance with Dragons, I love most of the POVs – at least the way they are written – as they all feel so complex, so real. Each voice sounds different and wants different things which so many authors fail to manage successfully when writing their characters.
The world itself just astounds me. I’m loving the sudden increase in lore when it comes to the history of the Three-Eyed Crow and greenseers and all of that magic stuff in the north.
Dorne is so GOOD in the books! They really missed a trick with the TV show as there is just so much going on in Dorne and it’s brilliant. (It was a bit slow in book 4 but now it feels like it’s going somewhere).
I can see why everyone is desperate for George R. R. Martin to finish the series – but I can also see why Martin is taking so long over it! There is so much more to cover.
When you finish A Dance With Dragons, you realise just how much the TV show missed out and skipped over. All because they wanted to rush though the story and only tell the Jon and Dany story – fair enough.
I wish everyone who watched the show would read the books! I’m glad I finally got to this point. There is so much more to the story – so much to explore and enjoy. Jon and Dany’s storylines in this book end on cliffhangers, as does Aegon’s…
I’m very excited for the next book! I honestly have no idea how these stories are going to end as they feel so different from the show, and that’s good. I was worried I would get bored reading the books, but I was wrong – they’re great!

No spoilers for this review – I might come back to it in the future, or possibly start writing some discussion posts on the books and characters of the series.