Book Review: Dyscalculia by Camonghne Felix - The Fantasy Review

Book Review: Dyscalculia by Camonghne Felix

Maddy‘s Review of Dyscalculia by Camonghne Felix

​T​hank you Netgalley for letting me read and review this book. ​Dyscalculia ​is a poetry, non-fiction memoir about the author. Camonghne has gone through a lot of trauma in her life. She shares so honestly about everything she has been through. There’s her childhood trauma that leads to mental health issues and a difficult relationship with math. And much more. Some trigger warnings: self harm, panic attacks, child abuse, sexual abuse, suicide, and abortion. This book is definitely a difficult read and won’t be for everyone. Make sure you are in the right headspace to read it.

Review of Dyscalculia

​I loved the writing style. It is different from most other books that I’ve read. It is an accessible read. I learned a lot while reading Dyscalculia. I learned more about adhd, bipolar disorder, and dyscalculia. It is difficult seeing her struggle so much, and not getting a proper diagnosis for a long time. However, I know a lot of people will be able to relate to that pain, including myself. ​It was relatable with how she describes the feeling of being on medication. I’m glad she was so open and honest about everything she went through and her feelings. ​I am not a poc, but I related to the story in other ways, especially ​when Felix wrote about depression, anxiety, panic attacks, sexual assault, medication, and self harm. I am glad that she kept going to new therapists and trying new medications, it gives me hope that I will find the right medication and diagnosis for myself in the future. It gives me hope to keep hanging in there and to keep trying. Things really can get better. I am thankful she shared her story, and shared her healing journey.

I highlighted ​a lot in the ebook copy.​ I highlighted so many quotes and ​wrote so many notes. One of my favorite reads of the year. I can’t wait to read Camonghne’s next book.

​Just a few ​quotes I liked:

“Pythagoreans believed that there are three ways humanity improves, one of which is dying. Death is biological, but where it is also metaphysical is where I find delight.”

“I fed and grew and grew until my need was the size of my shame and my shame was the size of a mountain, where I teetered at the edges of my desire and ignored him with my indecision and my impulses.”

“Black girls get to write about benign heartbreaks too. Proud and saccharine and pathetic.”

​Page count: 240 pages
Star rating: 5 out of 5 stars
Publish date: February 14, 2023
Author: Camonghne Felix

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