Cosmere Reading Order - Where to Start Reading Brandon Sanderson - The Fantasy Review

Cosmere Reading Order – Where to Start Reading Brandon Sanderson

How to Start Reading Fantasy Books

Brandon Sanderson’s Cosmere books are some of the most talked about tomes in the fantasy genre – and for good reason. New readers may need a cosmere reading order for Sanderson’s books as the list can feel a little overwhelming.

A Beginner’s Guide to the Cosmere

There are, after all, around 20 books and several series, all intermingling in one way or another. You don’t want to spoil any surprised by reading them in the wrong order, but you also don’t want to read a book that just has way to much going on and you put it down, never to read a Sanderson book ever again.

There are two options when it comes to the Cosmere reading order you choose:

So, here are my five steps to reading the Cosmere books and my personal favourite cosmere reading order:

Number 1 and 2: Mistborn Era 1 or Warbreaker

It doesn’t matter which one of these you read first, so long as they are either first or second on your list. If you’re unsure that you’ll like Sanderson’s books, Warbreaker is a standalone novel (for the time being, at least) so it’s a great place to begin.

If you feel like you want the full Sanderson experience, without reading a massive, 10-book epic, The Mistborn Trilogy is the perfect place to start, with The Final Empire being the first of the trilogy.

cosmere reading order

The great thing about both of these options is that they both have hints at the larger universe – the Cosmere – but they don’t make the stories feel any less contained within themselves, so you don’t have to worry about the Easter eggs!

Once you have finished reading The Mistborn Trilogy, and you loved it (of course), then the novella Mistborn: A Secret History is a fantastic addition to the story which sets us up nicely for the next reading step.

Number 3 and 4: Mistborn Era 2 or Elantris

Personally, I wouldn’t read Mistborn Era 2 immediately after reading Era 1. They are told in quite different styles, and I found this jarring when I made that mistake and almost didn’t finish reading them!

I’m glad I did though because Era 2 is an incredible read – the fourth book in that series is hopefully coming in the next year or two.

I wish I had read Elantris before Era 2. Like Warbreaker, it is a standalone with its own world and magic system. This was Sanderson’s first published novel, and this is the reason I don’t think it should be your first taste of his writing.

Don’t get me wrong, I really enjoyed this story, but it lacks the epic worldbuilding and incredible character work that his later works get just right. So, definitely read it, but don’t read it first!

cosmere reading order

After reading these, you can read lots of short stories set in these worlds in the collection entitled Arcanum Unbounded.

These stories add a lot and very little to the worlds – it depends on the story – but be careful not to read ones like Edgedancer or A Secret History before reading the books that that are set before them.

Number 5: The Stormlight Archive

This is Sanderson’s epic series. It is planned to be a 10-book epic, and the first three that have been published have all come in over 1000 pages long, so it’s no small undertaking. Hence why you should definitely not read this first!

cosmere books

You can read them at the same time at Mistborn Era 2 if you’d like to use the Era 2 books as palate cleansers, however Warbreaker needs to be read at least before you read Oathbringer, if not beforeThe Way of Kings.

The short story Edgedancer (which can be found in Arcanum Unbounded) needs to be read between Words of Radiance and Oathbringer, as the story in it will make certain aspects of that third book make sense. I heard this advice from someone on YouTube and I’m glad I took it!

Of course, now with the release of the novella Dawnshard and the fourth entry in The Stormlight Archive, Rhythm of War these have to be added to the cosmere reading order too! I have not read either just yet but I have heard it said that Dawnshard should be read first!

There are other stories in the Cosmere, such as the graphic novels White Sand 1 & 2, however I have not read them, and many don’t think that their presence would affect the cosmere reading order I have suggested in this post.

My Suggested Cosmere Reading Order: Listed Version

Numbers 1 & 2

The Final Empire (Mistborn #1)

The Well of Ascension (Mistborn #2)

The Hero of Ages (Mistborn #3)

Mistborn: A Secret History (Mistborn #3.5)


Warbreaker (Warbreaker #1)

Numbers 3 & 4

The Alloy of Law (Mistborn #4)

Shadows of Self (Mistborn #5)

The Bands of Mourning (Mistborn #6)

The Lost Metal (Mistborn #7) – Release date: November 15, 2022


Elantris (Elantris #1)

The Hope of Elantris (Elantris #1.5)

Number 5

The Way of Kings (The Stormlight Archive #1)

Words of Radiance (The Stormlight Archive #2)

Edgedancer (The Stormlight Archive #2.5)

Oathbringer (The Stormlight Archive #3)

Dawnshard (The Stormlight Archive #3.5)

Rhythm of War (The Stormlight Archive #4)

Read all the Reviews for Brandon Sanderson’s Cosmere Books HERE

How to Start Reading Fantasy Books

Owner and Editor of The Fantasy Review. Loves all fantasy and science fiction books, graphic novels, TV and Films. Having completed a BA and MA in English Literature and Creative writing, they would like to go on to do a PhD. Favourite authors are Trudi Canavan, Steven Erikson, George R. R. Martin and Brandon Sanderson.


  1. Thanks for sharing your list! I read Mistborn first (last month — I’ve just started) and personally I wish I had gone with the Stormlight books, but I am unusual in that I devour huge fantasy books in a matter of days and am rarely put off by dragging sections or complex worldbuilding. I already love Shallan and Kaladin more than I ever loved Vin and Elend (though they’re great too, of course) and I’m only on book two. 🙂

  2. If you love massive fantasy books then driving in the deep end with Stormlight is a great idea! I’m glad you’ve been enjoying the books 🙂

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